What’s Your Frequency?

All For Myself
2 min readFeb 29, 2020

Quantum Physics Has Proven That Everything Has a Frequency

Did you know that everything has a sound wave? This means that “things” operate at certain frequencies. These frequencies/sound waves can directly impact yourself and things around you. It may sound ridiculous but there is actually a science behind this.

As you can see in this Cymatics video, which shows how sound waves affect what is around them, these frequencies do cause surprising changes in matter. Some people have even suggested that these sound waves can change or influence ones level of consciousness. It is interesting that the sound waves form patterns and these patterns also seem to follow the fibonacci sequence. How is this possible? What is the connection?

It appears that different frequencies cause things to vibrate in systematic ways. This directly impacts energy and matter (which essentially is energy too). Listening to tones at a frequency of 528Hz is said to improve your love life, restore your equilibrium and even repair DNA. If this is indeed true, can you imagine what you could do with this kind of tool?

There is a massive amount of YouTube videos with sounds, tones, and frequencies. I have listed some that I’ve listened to here. These sounds have personally allowed me and my family to get better sleep and feel more at ease. I have also used these frequencies in meditation, which has lead to some very profound thoughts. If you want to expand your critical thinking, using things like binaural beats, white noise sounds and frequencies will get you going in the right path.

My hopes are to write more on this in future blogs to really delve in and dig deep. As you really begin to learn about frequencies and how it shapes our reality and consciousness, you will understand that it is a topic that will never end. Vibrational frequencies impact everything. I could lead you down the rabbit hole further with this topic, but I’d rather you seek ways to increase your vibration and do some research. Until then, here are some things to ponder and tools to get you thinking.



All For Myself
All For Myself

Written by All For Myself

Shello! I run a growing blog called All For Myself where I help you help yourself. Let’s thrive together! Check it out at…www.allformyself.net

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